Master of Chemical Engineering

Magister Teknik Kimia

Department profile

Master of Chemical Engineering Programme was officially opened in 2015 based on the decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kepmen Ristek Dikti No. 153/KPT/I/2015). Reinforced by a curriculum designed to strengthen the students’ understanding of science and technology with an emphasis on green technology concepts in the field of chemical engineering. The components of education consists of class-based study, research, and case studies from industries and society.


By 2029, We thrive to be a master programme that excels in clean technology and natural resource processing technology while adhering to Islamic principles and providing guidance for progress and change.


  1. Establishing master’s programme with a curriculum based on chemical engineering while upholding Islamic principles.
  2. Conducting research with an emphasis on clean technology and the utilization of natural resources.
  3. Creating collaboration with other organizations on a national and worldwide scale, as well as doing community service in the areas of clean technology and natural resources.


Semester I:
Al Islam and Muhammadiyah (AIK)2cr
Advanced Transfer Process3cr
Research Methodology and Statistics3cr
Elective I3cr
Semester II:
Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering3cr
Process Safety Engineering3cr
Proposal and Seminar3cr
Elective II3cr
Semester III:
Advanced Thermodynamics3cr
Elective III3cr
Elective IV3cr
Semester IV:
Thesis and Publication6cr
Case studies and Publication3cr
Additional Elective3cr

Elective course choices

NoTechnology of Natural ResourcesTechnology of Pollution ProcesingTechnology of Materials and Energy
1Food and agricultural Product Processing TechnologyProcess IntesificationNano Technology
2ChemurgyWaste Management TechnologyPolymers and Membranes Technology
3Bioprocess EngineeringModeling and DesignRenewable Energy
4Oils and Oleochemicals Product Processing TechnologySelective CapitalsHydrogen economy


After being declared graduated, you will be awarded a Master of Engineering (M.T) degree.

Teaching Staff

NoNameDoctoral Education
1Ir. Herry Purnama, M.T., Ph.D., IPMNewcastle University, UK
2Prof. Ir. Kun Harismah, M.Si., Ph.D University of Sheffield, UK
3Ir. M Mujiburohman, M.T., Ph.D University of Waterloo, Kanada
4Ir. Rois Fatoni, M.Sc., PhD University of Waterloo, Kanada
5Dr. Ir. Ahmad M Fuadi, M.T. UGM, Indonesia dan Chalmers University of Technology, Swedia
6Ir. Tri Widayatno, M.Sc., Ph.D Newcastle University, UK
7Ir. Denny Vitasari, MEng.Sc., Ph.D University of Manchester, UK
8Ir. Nur Hidayati, M.T., Ph.D., IPM Newcastle University, UK
9Dr. Ir. Akida Mulyaningtyas, M.Sc UGM, Indonesia
10Dr. Agung Sugiharto, S.T., M.EngUGM, Indonesia
11Dr. Ir. Eni Budiyati, M.Eng UGM, Indonesia
12Anisa Ur Rahmah, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia

Cost of Education

  • Tuition fee: Rp. 7,200,000 per semester (For Academic Year 2023/2024).
  • Institutional Development Fee: Rp. 0 (None).
  • Thesis Examination Fee: Rp. 0 (None).

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